When you log into the Web page: thewarren.intelligentgolf.co.uk you will see the following headings:
Home: This will show: Latest Results, Upcoming Competitions, current Weather, a Front Page message, course status, recent competitions, Hall of Fame and link to News items.
News: By clicking on the News you can then access various other links, divided into: Men, Ladies, Seniors Cadets etc., once you have selected a Category you can open further links by clicking on Read More, Click for further details etc., these will change from blue to yellow if there is further information.
This can also be accessed via the ig app by selecting Latest News.
Information: This will produce a further list:, The Warren, Men's, Ladies Section and Honors Board, Social Events. Once selected you can see further details and links to lots of information along with some photographs.
Competitions: This will produce a further list: All, Knockouts, Upcoming, Matches, Ongoing, Men's, Ladies, Seniors, Juniors, Handicaps and Hall of Fame. From here you will be able to sign up to any competitions and view those you may have already entered. If you wish to read the rules or details, you can again select the competition which will open further pages. This can also be accessed via the ig app by selecting Competitions, then Entered or Upcoming and a Results tab. Should you wish to:
WITHDRAW please click here for further details.
PAY please click here for further details. (Applies to Ladies Only)
My Golf: This will also produce a further list: My Rounds, Analysis, Handicap Record, Handicap Certificate, My Account, Preferences, Directory and Message.
Diary: This will display all club competitions, by clicking on the competition you will see details of the format etc., and you can download the event to your device. You will also see external matches, county matches and social events.
This can also be accessed via the ig app by selecting the Diary icon at the top right of the app front screen.
Club Teams: The Silver Trophy, Bronze Shield and Harris Bowls Teams will be visible both via the Webpage, (Competitions, Matches) and the App * (Matches). Once you have joined a team, which you can only do via the webpage, you will be able to view the matches, team details, start times etc., on either device and set your availability for each match, which will aid the Team Managers in selection of the team’s for each match. This will also be used to arrange Friendlies.
*From 21st November 2023 there will be a one-off yearly charge of £1.99 to access these features via the app.
Handicap Record: This will display your current handicap Index. Once selected you can also then view your Home Club, CDH ID, your WHS counting score which will be in yellow. Selecting Rounds will show your scores and details of all club competitions. Calculator will also show you your Course handicap and 95% adjusted playing handicap.
Competitions: This will produce a further list: Entered, upcoming and results.
*Matches: If you are a member of a Team you will be able to view Match details and set your availability. *
*Latest News: Here you can click on any News items and view further details
Course Information: Todays weather and any course information that may have been entered by the Green staff or pro-shop team.
*There is a one of yearly charge of £1.99 to view this function on the App.
Your Membership No. is your CDH No which can be found on the Members App under Handicap Certificate.
Dashboard: Here you can see details of all your scores. WHS uses the best 8 of the last twenty scores, these are shown in Green and there is a green line to indicate number 20. If you hit the arrow at the right you will then see all the details relating to that round.
Friends: You can add friends which once they accept will enable you to see their scores under the Friends Tab. You can still search any member of any club.
Enter Score: This feature enables you to enter a Score when playing at other Clubs and will hopefully at some point be World Wide. You must be at the Club in question to be able to Create a Score Card, only Clubs within a certain radius will be picked up, the app used Geo-Location technology. There will also be a time lag between registering and entering the score.
Create – Select the Club, then the Marker, this is the Course Card i.e, Red Tees, Yellow Tees
Then Create Scorecard. There will be a warning that this is your intent to play and submit a score.
Once created there is a facility to enter playing partners, but their score will not be submitted just yours.
On completion of the round, you will be asked to Enter a Marker, this must be somebody who has witnessed the round, holds a WHS Index and has the MyEG App.
They will be sent a message asking them to verify the score, once they have done this you will receive a message saying your score as been accepted. These will all appear and be visible under Messages.
Messages: Read and unread message accessed here
More: Here there are the following options: